Original Article
Author Details :
Volume : 8, Issue : 1, Year : 2022
Article Page : 15-19
Introduction: Stress is a universal phenomenon to which every individual is exposed WHO declared Covid-19 a pandemic on March 11, 2020 which leads to stress anxiety burnout and need for sick leave which would harm the capacity of health care systems to provide services during crisis.
Materials and Methods: Research approach in this study, quantitative research approach was found to be appropriate to assess 60 students from nursing college of IUST random sampling technique was used for selecting the sample pandemic related perceived stress scale was used for data collection.
Research Design : The research design selected for this study was Descriptive Survey Design the current study was about to assess the level of stress among nursing students during Covid -19 pandemic. Hence, as per the nature of the research problem descriptive design was selected.
Results: The responses of the subjects to the standard tool revealed that most of the nursing students had moderate stress 75% (45) followed by high stress with 16.7% (10) and mild stress with 8.3% (5). The mean low stress was 1.40 (SD = .548, percentage = 8.3%), mean moderate stress 1.57 (SD = .503, percentage = 75%) and mean high stress was 1.57 (SD = .500, percentage = 16.7%).
Keywords: Stress level, Assess, COVID-19, Nursing Students
How to cite : Parveen A, Mir J A, Wani S R, Nisar T, Majeed S, Kausar W, Islam B U, A study to assess the level of stress among nursing students of IUST during COVID-19 pandemic. IP Int J Med Paediatr Oncol 2022;8(1):15-19
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Received : 18-01-2022
Accepted : 28-01-2022
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