Original Article
Author Details :
Volume : 8, Issue : 3, Year : 2022
Article Page : 111-116
Background: GFR (Glomerular filtration rate) is the amount of blood filtered by the kidney’s glomerulus into the Bowman ’s capsule per unit of time. Schwartz equation is the length based calculation of estimated GFR (e GFR). Pottel’s equation is length independent one. The aim of the study is to find out the mean eGFR values in different age groups using the height dependent Schwartz formula in children 2-12 years. Secondary objective is to find out the relationship between eGFR and birth weight, gestational age, family history of renal disease and past history of urinary tract infection and to compare eGFR calculated by height dependent Schwartz formula and height independent Pottel’s equation
Materials and Methods: 700 children in the age group 2 to 12 years were included in the study. After obtaining written informed consent from the child’s guardian, pessronal details and serum creatinine values were collected. Height was measured using a stadiometer. Estimated GFR values were calculated using Schwartz formula and results were statistically analysed.
Results: Where GFR values by Schwartz formula were compared with inulin based GFR as in referenced study, it was found out that in certain ages there was statistically significant difference. Among the determinants studied, there was a weak positive correlation between gestational age and eGFR. eGFR by Schwartz formula was also compared with eGFR based on height independent Pottel’s equation and was found that there was statistically significant difference between absolute values, but they show a positive correlation
Conclusion: 1: There was no statistically significant correlation between birth weight, family history of renal disease and past history of urinary tract infection with eGFR; 2: There was a weak positive correlation between gestational age at birth and eGFR; 3: When eGFR by Schwartz formula was compared with eGFR by Pottel’s equation, there was a positive correlation between the two, though the absolute values differed significantly; 4: Normative data of this study can be used for predicting eGFR in children 2-12 years.
Keywords: GFR, Schwartz formula, Pottel’s equation.
How to cite : James M, Pillai P S, Athira M, Mean estimated GFR values in children 2-12 years admitted in a tertiary care centre using schwartz formula. IP Int J Med Paediatr Oncol 2022;8(3):111-116
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Received : 02-05-2022
Accepted : 01-09-2022
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