Original Article
Author Details :
Volume : 8, Issue : 4, Year : 2022
Article Page : 148-152
Background of the Study: Covid-19 affected many people in many ways. Even education was affected so much. In education setting creativity is one of the most important things at any point of view. So, online classes became best solution in the place of classroom learning during covid-19 pandemic.
Materials and Methods: A descriptive study was conducted to assess the burden of parents of children who attend online classes. Data was collected using email, using a structured questionnaire consists of socio-demographic variables and checklist was used to assess burden with 5 point likert scale. Analysis of data was done using inferential and statistical methods.
Results: Among 60 parents, 38 (63.3%) of them are mothers and 22 (36.7%) are Fathers. The result showed that most of the parents 34 (56.67%) experienced severe burden.
Conclusion: This present study concluded that most of the parents (56.67%) had experienced severe burden. So it insists the need of counselling the parents.
Keywords: Parenteral burden, Assess, Primary school children, Online classes
How to cite : Edvina Princy K, Suresh S, Jenny D, To assess the burden of parents of primary school children attending online classes. IP Int J Med Paediatr Oncol 2022;8(4):148-152
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Received : 31-10-2022
Accepted : 01-12-2022
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