Case Report
Author Details :
Volume : 9, Issue : 2, Year : 2023
Article Page : 71-73
Hypercarotenemia is a rare clinical condition. Hypercarotenemia is associated with a high intake of carotene-rich diets and is also associated with hypothyroidism, hypopituitarism, liver disease, inborn errors of metabolism, and kidney disease. We present one such case of a 2-year-old child who had deep yellowish discoloration of the palms and soles. This case report is intended to alert pediatricians that yellowish discoloration of palms and soles may develop as a result of a high intake of carotene-rich foods commonly recommended and consumed by children as the richest source of Vit-A.
Keywords: Hypercarotenemia, Carotenerich diet, Yellowish discoloration
How to cite : Jaiswal S, Sheohare R, Hypercarotenemia – A rare clinical condition. IP Int J Med Paediatr Oncol 2023;9(2):71-73
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Received : 05-05-2023
Accepted : 16-06-2023
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