Case Report
Author Details :
Volume : 9, Issue : 4, Year : 2023
Article Page : 147-149
Background: The incidence of cutaneous metastasis in head and neck cancers is less than 1%. Carcinoma of the oral cavity is one of the most common cancers of the head neck region with frequent metastasis to internal organs, especially the lungs, liver, and bone.We present a case of Carcinoma of floor of mouth with cutaneous metastasis.
Case Presentation: A 55 year old lady presented to our department with complaints of non-healing ulcer in the oral cavity and ulcerated nodules over neck and chest. On examination, mouth opening tongue mobility was restricted with grade 2 trismus. An ulcer in left gb sulcus, bilateral lymphadenopathy and multiple ulcerated skin nodules on neck and chest wall were noted. CECT Face and Neck showed heterogenously ehancing mass at the floor of mouth involving left buccal mucosa and erosion of mandible, lymph node mets and skin nodules. ECOGPS was 1.She was treated with palliative systemic chemotherapy and thereafter Palliative radiation. Now she is having stable disease and is on metronomic chemotherapy with regular follow up.
Conclusion: Our case has highlighted that cutaneous metastasis can be seen in the cancers of floor of mouth. Palliative chemotherapy and radiotherapy can significantly increase Progression free survival and hence the Quality of life of patients with such presentation.
Keywords: Cutaneous metastasis, Head and neck cancers, Carcinoma larynx, Oral cavity, Skin nodules
How to cite : Priya S, Grover R K, Garg P, Goyal N, Cutaneous metastasis in a case of carcinoma floor of mouth- A rare case report. IP Int J Med Paediatr Oncol 2023;9(4):147-149
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Received : 15-12-2023
Accepted : 06-02-2024
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