Original Article
Author Details :
Volume : 10, Issue : 4, Year : 2024
Article Page : 83-86
Background of the study: Pain during intramuscular injection in children is a common concern and minimizing discomfort is crucial for providing appropriate medical care to children. Intramuscular injection pain has been one of the common problems for hospitalized children and also during vaccination. “.
Aim and Objective: To assess the effectiveness of cough trick method during intramuscular injection in reducing intensity of pain during intramuscular injection among children.
Materials and Methods: For this evaluative study a Quantitative research approach was used with quasiexperimental research design (post-test only control group). 60 samples were selected using non-probability purposive sampling technique. Result was analyzed using Wong Baker Face’s Pain Scale. Statistics both descriptive and inferential were used to analyse the result.
Results: The result of pain intensity score in experimental group is 19 (63.3%) had mild pain, 11(36.6%) had moderate pain and no one had severe pain whereas in control group, no one had mild pain, 14(46.6%) had moderate pain and 16(53.3%) had severe pain.
Conclusion: “Cough-trick” coughing on command simultaneously to skin puncture, is a simple effective method of pain relief during intramuscular injection and various injections. Hence it was concluded that the cough-trick method is an effective method in reducing pain intensity during intramuscular injection among children.
Keywords : Assess, Children, Coughtrick method Effectiveness, Intensity of pain, Intramuscular injection
How to cite : Jenny D, Edvina Princy K, Analysing the effectiveness of cough trick method in reducing pain among children during intramuscular injections. IP Int J Med Paediatr Oncol 2024;10(4):83-86
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Received : 27-11-2024
Accepted : 18-12-2024
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